The #1 Source for Charleston SC Real Estate

FREE HELP, the “Hope For Homes Program”

When:  Saturday, Oct. 24th
Where: North Charleston Convention Center
Contact: 843-735-7865 
A FREE foreclosure prevention event, "Hope for Homes" consists of workshops and one-on-one sessions with HUD approved counselors to help homeowners who are currently in foreclosure or who have faced a financial hardship that may eventually lead them to foreclosure. 
For complete information, instructions and registration call 843-735-7862. Registration is requested but not required. There are multiple sessions offered and participation is totally confidential. 
Please make this opportunity known to anyone that might benefit from this free assistance.

As always, your thoughts, questions, or comments are greatly appreciated. Let me know if I can help with any of your Charleston SC real estate needs or questions.  To look for homes anywhere in the tri-county area go to my website at


"Carolina Joe" Idleman

Reader Comments

  1. Thanks for helping spread the word about this event, Joe! It really shows that your’e not only in this for the sale… Clearly you care about not just helping people find the right home, but also helping them keep it!

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