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September 2015 Charleston Area Market Report

The Charleston, South Carolina area is a great place to live or have a vacation home. The weather is great, the beaches are fantastic, golf courses are abundant, there are many historical sites, the architecture is unbelievable, the dining is unbeatable, and the people are the friendliest in the country. It is because of these reasons that I believe Charleston SC Homes are truly unique. I look forward to helping you with any of your Charleston SC Homes For Sale needs in Charleston, Berkeley, or Dorchester counties. Today’s article is titled:

Charleston SC Homes For Sale : September 2015 Charleston Area Market Report

September 2015 Charleston Area Market Report

CHARLESTON, SC—(September 10, 2015) 1,376 homes sold in August in the region area at a median price of $219,950 according to preliminary data released today by the Charleston Trident Association of Realtors® (CTAR). Of those homes, 1,325 were located in Charleston, Berkeley or Dorchester counties. In August 2014, 1,360 homes sold at a median price of $215,000.
Year-to-date data shows that sales volume is about 16% ahead of where it was in 2014, and median price has increased by 4.8% in the region. The pace of sales has relaxed slightly—we’ve been tracking a consistent 19% ahead through most of 2015. However, it is expected and normal for sales to decelerate this time of year. Thus far in 2015, 10,996 homes have sold at a median price of $226,000. Through August 2014, 9,409 homes had sold at a median price of $215,500.
Of the 5,647 homes listed as “active” for sale in the Charleston Trident Multiple Listing Service (CTMLS), 1,585 or 28% of listings are in the $200-300,000 price range, and 41% of listings, or 2,317 homes are above the $300,000 mark.
“It’s typical for the pace of sales to begin cooling off this time of year, but we’re still on track to significantly improve over 2014 sales volume” said 2015 CTAR President, Matt DeAntonio. “Our inventory remains steady with approximately 5,500 homes, about 1,000 fewer homes than we had on the market at this time last year” he said. “The areas that are supporting smart development, and are adding to the inventory of available homes—West Ashley outside I-526, Goose Creek and Moncks’ Corner—are outperforming other areas in our region because they’re offering options to homebuyers” he continued. “Collectively, we need to invest in smart growth options and commit to expanding our existing infrastructure—with dozens of people moving to our region every day, we need to be proactive in growing with our community, rather than trying to react to it” he concluded.

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"Carolina Joe" Idleman