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Charleston SC Real Estate Blog: The Old Charleston City Jail

The Charleston, South Carolina area is a great place to live or have a vacation home.  The weather is great, the beaches are fantastic, golf courses are abundant, there are many historical sites, the architecture is unbelievable, the dining is unbeatable, and the people are the friendliest in the country.  It is because of these reasons that I believe Charleston SC Real Estate is truly unique.  I look forward to helping you with any of your Charleston SC Real Estate needs in Charleston, Berkeley, or Dorchester counties. Today’s article is titled:

Charleston SC Real Estate Blog:  The Old Charleston City Jail

Charleston SC Real Estate Blog:  The Old Charleston City Jail

The Old Charleston City Jail is located in the heart of Historic Downtown Charleston at 21 Magazine Street.  The Old Charleston City Jail was in operation form 1802 until 1939 and housed Charleston's most infamous criminals, pirates, and Union Civil War prisoners. The initial structure was built to hold approximately 126 prisoners and an addition designed by Robert Mills was completed in 1858 and was designed to hold an additional 120 prisoners.  For the life of The Old City Jail it averaged holding 500 prisoners.  The overcrowding, corporal punishment and disease lead to the unbelievable statistic that the average prisoner died within two months of imprisonment.  It is widely believed that the extraordinary high number of prisoner deaths combined with the fact that the Old City Jail was also a hospital during the Civil War have lead to the Jail's reputation for a high number of ghostly occurrences.

Charleston SC Real Estate Blog:  The Old Charleston City Jail Gallows

In 2000, the American College of the Building Arts acquired the Old City Jail after it had sat vacant for 61 year. Most of the facility's original structures remain intact. Upon acquisition, the College initiated an emergency stabilization program to meet the immediate needs of this historic property. Preservation efforts are on-going.

Charleston SC Real Estate Blog:  The Old Charleston City Jail

Access to the jail is limited, and most easily attained through Bulldog Tours' Haunted Jail Tour, which takes visitors through the cells, hallways and into the dark places where Charleston's worst criminals lived and died. Tickets for the nightly tours are available at 40 N. Market St. This tour is not recommended for children or those faint of heart.

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"Carolina Joe" Idleman