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How to Save Money on Your South Carolina Property Taxes

 1. Homestead tax exemption program is for home owners who are age 65, or older, totally disabled, or blind. The program exempts op to $50,000 of the value of the home including up to five acres around the home. The homeowner must have been a legal resident of SC for at least one year as of December 31st of the year prior to the exemption and the property must have the primary residence assessment rate of 4%. To claim the exemption the homeowner must file an application with the County auditor.
2. The multiple lot discount is for undeveloped acreage that has been subdivided in to ten or more lots and the conditional or final plat was recorded at the County on or before December 31st. The owner must file a written application with the Assessor by May 1st of the year requesting the discount.
 3. Requesting agricultural zoning on a tract of real property as of January 1st of the current year and it was used to “raise crops, harvest crops, feed, breed, or manage livestock, or to produce plants, trees, fowl, or animals useful to man” may qualify for a discount in the appraisal/assessment. There are no residency requirements. An application must be filed before the first penalty date for taxes due.
4. Owner-occupied residences that are your legal residence are eligible to file for a special assessment ratio that will reduce your taxes. An application must be applied for before the first penalty due for taxes.
As always, your thoughts, questions, or comments are greatly appreciated. Let me know if I can help with any of your Charleston SC real estate needs or questions.
“Carolina Joe”