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2011 Charleston Air Expo April 9th at the Charleston Air Force Base

The Charleston, South Carolina area is a great place to live or have a vacation home.  The weather is great, the beaches are fantastic, golf courses are abundant, there are many historical sites, the architecture is unbelievable, the dining is unbeatable, and the people are the friendliest in the country.  It is because of these reasons that I believe Charleston SC Real Estate is truly unique.  I look forward to helping you with any of your Charleston SC Real Estate needs in Charleston, Berkeley, or Dorchester counties. Today’s article is titled:

2011 Charleston Air Expo April 9th at the Charleston Air Force Base

2011 Charleston Air Expo April 11th at the Charleston Air Force Base

If you love airplanes, you have to go to the Charleston 2011 Air Expo.  I’ve been to most of the air shows in Charleston since 2000 they are great.  The gates open to the public at 8:00 AM so plan on making a full day experience.  The US AF Thunderbirds will perform an exciting aerial ballet of high-speed maneuvers and turns as they take over the skies of Joint Base Charleston Air Base during Air Expo 2011, Saturday, April 9.  Air Expo 2011 will also have some of the Air Force's most popular aircraft performing and static aircraft on display.

The performers include the Air Force Thunderbirds, US Army Special Ops Black Daggers Jump Team, Tora! Tora! Tora!, GEICO Skytypers, B-25 Bomber Panchito", ACC A-10 demo, and the ACC F-15 demo.

For additional information on the Charleston 2011 air Expo and driving direction visit the 2011 Charleston Air Expo online.

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"Carolina Joe" Idleman